Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Here is a squirrel Flash animation I did  for fun. It's been a while since I've done any 2d animation. Some of the fellas at work have been showing some strong interest in 2d and I wanted to get in on the fun. So I took an old drawing I did, (its actually my second post on this blog) and decided to do a run cycle of the lil guy. I'm pretty satisfied how it came out.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Cell Phone Batman Sketch

Here's a Batman sketch pic I took with my cell phone at work. Occasionally we get a lot of down time, so I find myself usually doodling in my sketch book or on retake notes. You can't really make it out, but on the upper left are some of the notes on fixes we have to make on old South Park shows when we're converting them to HD. The notes are usually akin to "pushing in with the camera, fixing layering problems, extending backgrounds, etc." It can get a repetitive at times especially when you have to make the same minor fix on multiple shots, but every once in a while we get some crazy shot that keeps us on our toes. Anyways back to Batman..... he's just a bad ass! nuff said..

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Hmmm there seems to be a common theme forming with the last post. Well it's an appropriate time to post this wolverine drawing I did in photoshop. I'm still trying to get used to drawing and painting in photoshop so I opted not to go with color on this one. Also caught X-Men Origins Wolverine over the weekend and it wasn't half bad... in fact I kinda enjoyed it. Now I am an uber nerd when it comes to comic books especially anything X-Men. Wolverine was always my favorite character. I never thought in my wildest dreams that I would see this great comic book bought to the big screen and then 2000 came along and bought the first X-Men movie. Shivers ran up my spine the first scene we saw Wolverine in the battle cage in complete bad ass mode. There he is and then he popped the claws for the first time and sliced that shot gun in half. I thought YES! Finally!!! It was a great moment as a comic book enthusiast. Now the latest Wolverine movie is nowhere near perfect but I thought it was a decent action flick and had some interesting takes on the ol canucklehead. I did have my doubts going in to see it with all the negative reviews, super hype, film leaks and overzealous fans but I came out pretty satisfied with the film. Not sure if I would actually call it an origin story..... I wish they would have gone deeper in his childhood and expand on the adamantium bonding process a bit more but eh.... what ya gonna do. I thought all the actors did decent jobs with their respected characters... Gambit was especially fun to watch especially when Wolverine and him got into it, wouldn't have mind to see more of him on screen. There were a few WTF moments and maybe a tad too much humor for a serious character like Wolverine, but I did find myself chuckling. I did disagree on what happenned to certain characters but the movie was left open to expand on them and hopefully correct some mistakes the film made. So overall decent flick, definitely not as bad as lot of people made it out to be, and better than X-Men 3. Looking forward to future and better installments of Wolverine.